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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Castle Butte, Saskatchewan

Castle Butte, Saskatchewan

This is the first glimpse of Castle Butte...... finally I am here!

Claybank Brick Factory, Claybank SK.

This is a place we will return to; it looks very interesting. The scenery from the top of the hills was absolutely amazing. I bet I could see 30 miles or more. An absolutely perfect day with no wind. A lot of temperature records were set this weekend. Thanksgiving weekend in Sask, hard to believe I was out in shorts ........... awesome!

Corn field near Avonlea, SK. Oct 10 2010

There is a lot of crop still out in the fields down south. It is amazing to think that we are done and we got to go down south and see how it is done down there. We saw wheat fields still standing, canola swaths and a lot of barley. It sure is wet down there, which is so unusual for southern Sask.

Avonlea SK. area Oct 10, 2010

This picture was taken just at the edge of Avonlea. The 'Dirt Hills' are in the background.

Monday, October 11, 2010

2nd place for October Motion Theme @ Deb

shot at F6 with an ISO of 800. It was shot at a speed of '100'. My husband tried shooting many types of liquids and many types of bottles; also many different types of guns. It was a lot of fun and interesting to find out that I had to start taking the picture 'before' he pulled the trigger, in order to get the shot.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another bull elk in the townsite of Waskesiu

amazing beauty!
Picture taken with ISO of 1000 it was almost dark and even darker in the bush.
I am very impressed with the quality at that high an ISO!

Elk calf. I didn't know that elk calves also had white spots but I do now. :)

We watched this calf jump, run and play while all the Mommas were eating. Taken in Waskesiu townsite once again.

Trophy size bull Elk taken 'in' Waskesiu townsite

Ray counted 8 antler points on each side of this guys rack! He says his hunter friends would die to see this one! He was busy ripping up trees while he was polishing his beautiful antlers!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My entry for the Camera Club theme shoot ' Spirits"

This was a lot of fun to do! It tried my patience, because it was hard to balance the glass on a round rock that was balancing on the tip of another huge rock.....but finally I succeeded!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Swimming for Gold

This is Darius Dube, who is a special olympian who is competing at Nationals in London, Ontario. Good Luck Darius!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Traveling to The Pas from Nipawin

The drive from Nipawin to The Pas, is beautiful! This was taken in May, there was still a lot of ice in the river beds.

Bainbridge Hill. The road from Nipawin to the The Pas, Manitoba. This is a beautiful view of the Cumberland Delta area.

The drive from Nipawin to The Pas Manitoba takes you through the beautiful Wild Cat Hills. This is about a 2 hour drive .

Red Tail Hawk, Fort A LaCorn Forest (Nipawin area)

This guy was just sitting on a tree top, doing nothing. So Ray said get your camera ready and on the count of 3 I'll honk the horn. Great idea! That made for a more intesting picture :)

There is a road near Gronlid, Sk. that has many old churches on it. Very unique churches from long ago. About a 1/2 hour drive from Nipawin.

Looking over Saskatchewan River near Beechy....sandcastle area