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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Well.......we had a great time on Saturday!

We had a great photography / fellowship day on Saturday. Our impromptu workshop was interesting. We did some work on HDR photography, looked at a couple of websites of people we may contact about workshops, and cruised through the Saskatoon Camera Club website.

We also had great goodies! Thanks to all who brought coffee, tea and goodies. We really eat well! :) The Alex Wright Room at Central Park really makes this kind of session easy!

I'd love to see some of your HDR work people........ post???

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Castle Butte, Saskatchewan

Castle Butte, Saskatchewan

This is the first glimpse of Castle Butte...... finally I am here!

Claybank Brick Factory, Claybank SK.

This is a place we will return to; it looks very interesting. The scenery from the top of the hills was absolutely amazing. I bet I could see 30 miles or more. An absolutely perfect day with no wind. A lot of temperature records were set this weekend. Thanksgiving weekend in Sask, hard to believe I was out in shorts ........... awesome!